
Only One Survived Ch 12

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Wesker had been watching the S.T.A.R.S. Team very closely and made sure to keep his act up at all times. He was professional inside the fields and even outside he held his head high and walked with utmost pride. The rest of the team consistently wanted to ask him questions of his personal life which he mostly just responded the same way, with a simply put 'That's some more of your business.' He had however caved in a given at least his age; which was now 31, and his military experiences.

His head raised slightly to look at the clock. His eyes widened a little behind the shades seeing that it was now 6:30. They all departed at 7 and Barry had made arrangements for them all to go to a cookout at his home. He wouldn't even be going if Barry hadn't border line begged him, saying how much it would mean to him, and how much Kathy wanted to meet him. He wasn't a huge fan of social gatherings....still he had to give sometimes otherwise he could risk offending others and that leads to trouble sometimes.

The clock almost seemed to speed up just to spit him as the hour hand finally tapped the seven. Barry and the others stood without missing a beat and began filing what paperwork they had finished before gathering their belongings while Bravo Team began filling the already full room to discuss when they will be arriving and to get last minute directions to Barry's house.

Chris walked over and slapped Barry's with a happy expression.

"Hey man guess who's back from college! Well for a small break that is." Barry turned to him and smiled.

"No way! Claire? I haven't seen that kid in years! Is she coming tonight?" Chris nodded still holding his goofy grin.

"You bet! She said she wouldn't miss it for the world! Plus she wants to meet the team." Joseph of course beamed up almost on cue.

"You mean she wants to meet me," he ran a hand smoothly over the bandanna as Chris rolled his eyes. Joseph continued giving a large grin and leaning on the desk.

"Come on, you showed her the picture of me and I know just what she said I bet! 'Who's the hottie? O-m-g I simply have to meet him!' Like that didn't she?"  Wesker snorted gaining the pairs attention.

"This is Chris' sister Mr. Frost, I'm sure she for one thing doesn't speak in abbreviations and for another, has standards." Both teams faces dropped and most of the men started 'Oh'ing Joseph as he stood dumbly.  Chris began laughing so hard tears formed in his eyes. He had never heard that sort of a statement from his Captain and was honestly glad he said something so quickly to shut the other man up. Even Enrico seemed shocked not hearing that sort of almost playful tone from the older man.

"Joseph you just got burnt in full man," Kevin exclaimed. Joseph just sighed and dropped his head in defeat.

"I'm gonna go cry now guys," he slumped his shoulders and left the room but his stance clearly showed he was again exaggerating. Wesker smirked and grabbed his own keys before turning to Barry.

"I suppose I will see you tonight then Mr. Burton." Barry waved his hand.

"Wesker how many times do I have to tell you? It's Barry alright? And yes hopefully you will." He offered the other man a smile only to get a single lip twitch in a half smirk, almost smile. Close enough.  He nodded his head and turned to leave for his temporary house to change into something more appropriate. Casual.

Upon entering the doors he flipped his phone open and began looking through his four messages. All voice. He listened to them as he walked towards his closet to look for something relatively casual. Did he own anything casual?  He moved a few shirts around and shoved his lab coat over to get a better view of things while listening to the first three messages. They only stated the current situations; meaning nothing was happening yet and they were letting him know the obvious. The last one however was Will. It started of asking how he was and how Will wished he wasn't stuck with morons all the time. Soon his tone changed as he asked him to come to the lab on the weekend. All he said after was 'I have something you may want to see,' before hanging up.

Wesker stopped upon hearing the message and even played it again to be sure he had heard right. Did Will make a breakthrough on something? His tone was different however from a breakthrough. It sounded hushed and secretive. He supposed he would find out that weekend. Until then he sighed and was about to give up but then he spotted a simple black button up shirt and black pants that weren't military or formal. He really didn't own any other shoes besides boots so he bragged the most 'casual' of the three.

Barry stood outside of his porch with his wife who was now in a conversation with Jill and Rebecca. The three seemed to hit it of right away as the soon began laughing within the five minutes of meeting. Chris stayed with Barry and Joseph while the rest of the men were in their trunks splashing around in the large in ground pool. Barry had already sent his kids inside after they had a few minutes to meet everyone. He gave them permission to pick out a scary movie much to Kathy's protest. They both knew however it would keep them occupied and it was also good for kids to get scared every once in a while.

Soon the car pulled in and Wesker stepped out walking in through the open gate leading to the backyard. Kevin, Edward, and Forest all called their 'heys' from the water before going back to their game. Even though to Wesker it looked more like 'who can drown who?' He walked up to Enrico and nodded before Barry seized his arm. He let himself be lead over to the grill where Kathy stood with her hand outstretched. Barry released him and placed an arm around her.

"Wesker this is Kathy, Kathy Wesker." Wesker gave her a fake smile and shook her hand politely.

"Kathy," he greeted, She shook his hand before releasing it to flip the burgers over.

"Very nice to meet you Wesker. Barry's told me everything about you." Wesker raised a brow over his shades and smiled.

"Well I certainly hope not." She chuckled a little before turning to Barry.

"Dear would you go check on the girls?" Barry sighed and hugged her warmly.

"Hon, relax will ya? They'll be fine. It's just a movie." She sighed in return and bounced on her knees once.

"I know I know, but their little and I don't want them to have nightmares." Barry chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Okay I'll go make sure their not simply paralyzed with fear." He retreated inside the house to go bid to his wife's wish before Chris passed a beer bottle in Wesker's hand.

"Here you go, ice cold!" Wesker smirked and opened the bottle taking a large gulp. He for one thing had an extremely high alcohol tolerance, and for another he enjoyed a few drinks now and then. Chris blinked in awe as the blonde consumed a little under half of the bottle in the single gulp.

"Damn!" Wesker frowned and pulled the bottle from his lips to look at the younger man.

"Yes?" Chris laughed a little and sat in the bench next to him on the picnic table.

"Well I just...I didn't think you drank...that much!" He shrugged his shoulders simply and leaned his back on the table.

"I don't that often." Chris chuckled again and clapped his shoulder playfully.

"Coulda fooled me." They were interrupted soon by a female's voice coming off of a motorcycle.

"Chris!" Chris stood up happily and raced over attacking a small red haird girl in a bearhug.

"Claire bear!" Claire squeaked and hugged him back just as tightly making him squeak. Wesker chuckled a little at Chris' sudden raise in octave before he lead his sister over to him. He stood up as she held out her hand completely cutting Chris off.

"Captain Albert Wesker, what a pleasure!" She shook his hand firmly and looked at his sunglasses. She was a very confident girl. Her eyes were of a very bright blue colour and she had intelligent look in her eyes. She wore a black belly shirt that clung to her skin, and a pair of blue jeans and red bicker boots. Her hair had been pulled into a ponytail and dangled down to her shoulders. She was honestly very beautiful.

He nodded his head with a smirk and sat back down.

"Well Ms. Redfield..." He was stopped by a hand as she waved.

"Claire please, no need for formalities here." His smirk widened a bit as he nodded.

"Claire then, the pleasure is all mine." She giggled a little and took a beer bottle from the cooler sitting next to Chris to begin catching up. Joseph looked over to the red head and whistled loudly.

"Heeeey sexy!" Claire turned with a fake scowl and laughed.

"Hey!" She wasn't much for flirting like that but she could stand to play around. All though....she would never touch that guy. No way no how, she could tell by looking at him he was not her type. Now that Wesker guy...he was. In the tall, dark, mysterious, kind of way. Not to mention he was handsome and had a certain...charm to him. She stole a quick peek at the blonde who was currently speaking to Barry, Enrico, and Kathy already working on his second bottle.

Chris; being oblivious to his sisters newly found crush, turned to her and smiled.

"Hey let's swim!" Claire blinked and tilted her head.

" I didn't bring a swimsuit." Chris stood up and sat his bottle down on the table before ripping his shirt off.

"So what!? Neither did I!" He turned and bounded away towards the pool before diving off of the diving board in between Jill and Rebecca who yelped in surprise. Claire sighed a shook her head. She loved Chris to death but sometimes he was just so goofy. Wesker looked over to the girl and smirked.

"Typical Chris?" She gave a nod and sipped her own beer.

"Typical Chris," she agreed. She turned more towards the blonde man who was now looking at her. His stare sent shivers down her spine and she suddenly felt very shy. Of course she would never show it. A confident guy like that? No way!

"So how do you do it?" Wesker raised a brow not quite understanding what she meant. Claire smiled and laughed a little.

"How do you put up with him like you do?" Wesker smirked and sat back against the wooden table frame again.

"Loads of migraine medication." Claire laughed at the joke and shook her head.

"Sounds about what I would have to do. So, what's it like being with S.T.A.R.S.? Must be exciting." Wesker gave a small nod.

"We've only been on six missions, most of them being relatively small. They have their little thrills."  Claire blinked. Only six? They had been together for at least 5 months and only six missions?

"Wow....I kind of expected a weekly thing." Wesker smirked again as a chuckled escaped his throat.

"No no, as capable as they all are, I want them to be better than their best. Otherwise they won't be able to keep their titles." Claire smiled a little and nodded. She could understand wanting to push them. Sure maybe it was hard like Chris had often said, but she knew Wesker was right. It was good for them, it kept them in top shape.

The hours passed as a few of the members had gone home. Barry lit the tikii torches next to the porch as the sun began to set. Soon only Chris, Claire, Wesker, and Brad remained. Chris looked over to the timid man who looked relatively...drunk. He put a hand on his shoulder and shook him a bit.

"Hey chickenheart you okay?" Brad's face was flushed pink and he slung his head lazily towards Chris.

"I'm fine the chickens." He hiccuped a little and began searching for his keys.

"I gotta...I keys!" He hiccuped again and Chris grabbed the keys that were on his table.

"Oh no you don't! Come on, I'll drive you." Chris stood up with the other man and began leading him towards Brads car.

"I'll have to see you guys later. Barry can I leave my jeep here over night?" Barry laughed and gave a nod.

"Sure thing man, night!" Chris waved and turned to Claire.

"You coming?" Claire nodded and waved her hand.

"I'll be right there." Chris smiled and took the drunken Brad to his car before pulling out to take him home. Claire sighed and began walking towards her bike after saying goodbye to the Burtons. Wesker followed her after excusing himself for the night. He was going to say a swift goodbye to the girl before leaving...that and his car was next to her bike.

Claire fished her keys out of her jacket before turning to the taller man.

"Heading out?" Wesker gave a nod before walking up to her a little closer. This made Claire very nervous but she hid it with a smile.

"Well it was very nice meeting you..." Wesker smiled and nodded.

"Same here dear heart." She blushed a little at the new pet name. It was odd but, she really didn't mind. She looked up at him for a moment and couldn't tear her eyes away from his face. He was just so handsome, and the way the street light was hitting him cast a certain shadow over him. His hair seemed to be glowing while one side of his face almost seemed to be doing the same. It made him even more attractive than normal.

Wesker smirked slightly before placing a hand to her cheek.

"Well until next time." She blushed brighter, but not before cursing herself for it. She was never shy around men, but he changed that somehow. Before she could say anything else, he placed his lips to hers. Her eyes shot open before slowly closing and giving into the kiss. His lips moved gracefully over hers before he pulled away. She smiled weakly and suddenly found herself not only wanting more, but hoping he didn't think she was a slut for giving in so easily. He smirked and soon disappeared inside his car.

Barry walked up to his window to make sure all cars but Chris' were now gone. Satisfied he went to put his daughters to bed. They had watched the movie IT by Stephen King and were currently telling him all about it even though he had already seen it. He kissed them goodnight and walked down the stairs to help Kathy clean up. He turned to her and noticed she looked deep in thought.

"Honey?" She turned to him and smiled a little.

"Yes?" Barry walked over and kissed her forehead before looking at her.

"You alright?" She gave him a nod before going back to cleaning. Barry figured it was probably something she didn't want to talk about. Usually she would tell him if he asked and if she didn't it was something she had to do on her own as much as it pained him. He decided to try to change the subject.

"So what do you think of everyone?" She laughed a little and began explaining how most of them were either sweet, or goofy, or what have you. Barry noticed she had talked about everyone at least once, but she never mentioned Wesker. He smiled a little and was eager t hear her thoughts on the man. After all this was his boss.

"What do you think of Wesker?" She stopped in her tracks and a frown came on her face. Barry blinked and looked at her expectantly. She never got that look unless she didn't like someone, what was wrong with Wesker?

"Barry, may I be frank with you?" He gave a nod and sat down knowing he would probably want to.

"I don't like, no, I don't trust him." Barry couldn't breath for a moment. Why was she saying this!? He trusted his wifes instincts of course; if she sensed someone was bad that Barry had met she was always right, but this was Wesker! He stood for the right thing, and he would fight till his dying breath to see to it!


"He's just not right. I watched him all night to try to prove myself wrong honey and I don't trust him. He has a bad aura...something is just wrong with him. I mean his over all stance is just...he's too aggressive and he thinks way too much, and he's very guarded. Like he's got something to hide." Barry blinked and shook his head. He didn't know what to say. Half of him wanted to stick with tradition and believe his wife, who had never been wrong about something like this before. Then the other half wanted to believe in Wesker. He had never wronged them or even acted like it.

"Baby....I want to believe you I really do but..." She cut him off and placed her hand on his chest.

"I'm not asking you to take my side, I very well may be wrong about this." That he couldn't believe. "But I am asking you to be careful around him. Please, I don't think you're safe with him." Barry nodded and hugged her tightly. What did he do now!? He couldn't just pretend things were okay. Not now. He knew Kathy would never think badly of someone without good reason....could she be right about Wesker. Was that why nobody knew anything about him? Where he lived, his childhood, where he was from, his family...suddenly he started to believe her more and more as the night went on. Something was very wrong with Albert Wesker.
No this is not the end of S.T.A.R.S. yet XD I have a few more chapters to go. I wanted to go ahead and get the thing with Barry stared though by giving Kathy a sort of I guess sixth sense. You know how some people just have those bad feelings about the neighbor that seems just so perfect and 'least likely to do it', next thing you know that neighbor murders someone? Also surprise surprise Claire you naughty girl :rofl:

:bulletblue: Welcome to Bravo Team
:bulletblack: I Don't Trust Him
:bulletblue: He Knows
© 2011 - 2024 ProjectRed54
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Kiba1303's avatar
lol somehow I am starting to hint that you are probably going to put the "Wesker asking Chris about his sister" thing from RE:CV novel I told you :XD: